MVP Disc Sports

MVP Neutron Tesla Macro Mini

MVP Mini Marker Disc, White/Dyeable Blank Canvas


Manufacturer Weight, Stamp

The Tesla has been Macro-scaled! The Macro Tesla is an 80g and 15cm diameter version of the MVP Tesla driver, designed for Macro Disc Golf with the Black Hole® Macro Basket. Macro discs conform to the PDGA maximum diameter for mini markers, but are much easier to grip and throw naturally than mini discs. The Macro Tesla has plenty of stability to handle a full-bore rip, and has been tested at extraordinary distances by MVP's design team.

These Blank Canvas Macro Minis are perfect for your next Disc Golf Dyeing masterpiece!


  -  Our most popular material. Flagship blend offering a premium look and feel. Widest selection of bright opaque colors. Shares great durability characteristics of Proton. Easy-to-find colors in any given terrain.