Infinite Discs Halo S-Blend
Maria Oliva 2023 Tour Series
One of the straightest midranges in the game, the Anubis is a perfect disc to carve up the woods. It is a disc that can hold up to power but won’t fade out. If thrown on anhyzer angle it ill hold and glide for the entirety of its flight. It is a comfortable, beadless mid that can be used by players of all skill levels. It is a perfect disc for beginners, it will hold straight for a long time and glide enough to get some distance. In power arms, it is a perfect hyzer flip midrange for those wooded shots. The Maria Oliva Halo S-Blend Anubis will hold a straight line and stay in the air for days without any fade, making it the perfect candidate for the woods.
Infinite Discs says this about the mold: “The Anubis is a straight-flying, all-purpose, precision mid-range disc that will fit into the bags of both novice and professional players. Every player can count on the Anubis to hold the line whether thrown for shorter approaches or for longer distances off the tee. The Anubis will help players to fine-tune their throwing skills by flying precisely in accordance with the release from the hand”
Infinite Discs says this about the mold: “The Anubis is a straight-flying, all-purpose, precision mid-range disc that will fit into the bags of both novice and professional players. Every player can count on the Anubis to hold the line whether thrown for shorter approaches or for longer distances off the tee. The Anubis will help players to fine-tune their throwing skills by flying precisely in accordance with the release from the hand”
Recommended for
Beginner Intermediate
Beginner Intermediate
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